![]() 06/18/2019 at 08:29 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
So our driver quit last Friday. 3 days and 3 scheduled replacements later, NOT ONE has actually showed up.
Assholes. If you don’t want a job, how about not looking for one. Let the people who DO want one have the opportunity, and (from a selfish POV) allow the businesses that need a position filled to FILL IT.
- Day 1. No-show.
- Day 2. No-show.
- Day 3. No-show.
- Day 4. Miracle! Got a driver. Seems OK.
- Day 5. Same guy. Does 70km/h on the highway in the fast lane. Fakes being hurt when he gets sick of carrying stuff and makes his partner do the work. Miraculous recovery as son as the delivery is finished. Had 6 deliveries booked, completed 3.
*Weekend of mystery*
- Day 6. Ask 2 agencies for drivers to be sure we’re covered. BOTH show (apparently the solution all along is ask for more than you need). Send one out as a helper for the other, who seems like a nice, clean, responsible person. Get a call asking if he can take off early to see the Raptors celebration if he finishes in time. Eh, what the hell. Why not... shows up back at the shop with 3 stops not completed, and no time to send him back out.
*I decided I might as well let it slide, even though it’s his first day. By all accounts he was a reliable person at his last job, and apparently had this all planned out with his family before losing said job. And being in Toronto, this could be a once in a lifetime celebration—I get the excitement. It’s not exactly an ordinary day. But still, strike one.*
*After he leaves, I get a call from a customer that the goods had been delivered carelessly and not in the place he wanted them. Apparently the first few units they put where he wanted, and as soon as he wasn’t looking (had to go to another site briefly) dumped it all in the easiest spot and left. Again, pain in the ass for me because now I’ve got to take time out to go back and fix the BS. Again, excitement, and I dunno how reliable his partner (who we decided we didn’t need to come back) was, and they were two-person carry items. His general happy attitude still has me more or less trusting him. Yet we aren’t paying you to rush to the Raps parade, we’re paying you to do your fucking job right. Strike two.*
- Day 7. Thinking we’re finally going to get back into a rhythm, full day lined up. No show.
Also, fruit flies. Fuck them.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 07:08 |
Are you compensating them enough? Probably not if you can’t find someone to take the position.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 07:19 |
my workplace is having issues finding service advisors that are competent.
in the just over 8 years i’ve been back, they have employed so many i’ve lost count
![]() 06/12/2019 at 07:22 |
Finding decent people seems to be getting harder every year.
Good luck.
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We’re actually dealing with temp agencies, it’s usually been our best bet for help since you can just send them away if you don’t like them and ask for another, and when you get the right guy we bring them on full time. We’ve had pretty good results from it, the guy that quit actually came on board the same way about 6-7 years ago, along with several shipping spots that have periodically turned over. Never had a situation like this before where we’ve hit three consecutive duds.
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Now for office work, I’d understand, as the boss man is condescending and abrasive... the only reason I’ve lasted myself is because I’m related and can throw some shit back the other way from time to time. But for someone who might see him once a day, and hasn’t met him at all yet it’s not an excuse.
They’re just useless.
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We took a few cracks the last time too before getting the guy that just quit, but that was more because we didn’t need anyone full time at that point and could afford to take our time than because they were all duds.
Looks like we’ll need it.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 07:34 |
This is only somewhat related, but when I applied for my current job, I thought I was going to be one of many drivers. Turns out I'm THE driver. Maybe they just don't realize how important it is to fill that position or something. I might not have applied if I knew there would be so much pressure to accept the offer. (I'm glad I did, though)
![]() 06/12/2019 at 07:38 |
On the one hand, you’ve got an easily replaced skillset. Drive, carry shit.
On the other, if you’re “the guy”, you’re essential so you can get away with a fair amount of shit. Plus, it sucks to be looking for new
people... all in all it adds up to some pretty good security.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 07:40 |
I’ve seen it all to often. I work in a supermarket on nights.
There can be stressful periods (mainly idiot managers), but I’ve seen:
One new colleague did half an hour on the shop floor and walked out the front door. Didn’t say anything to anyone, simply walked out the front door.
Another new colleague, filled out there start paperwork upstairs, was due to start work at 9:30pm after an induction, came down stairs and like the other, walked straight out the front door. He didn’t say anything to anyone on the way out, just left.
We’ve had some that didn’t even enter the building.
Some of the new recruits were taken on under whats called New Deal, meaning they have to apply for ‘X’ amount of jobs a week to keep their benefits. Some would go through the motions then come out with some crap for not taking the job.
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More and more seem to think the world owes them a favour for merely turning up.
It boils my pi55.
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Thankfully my field is pretty specialized (Tool and Die/Machining ) , so it used to be a degree kind of field, so most applicants were willing to put in the time.
Sadly as of late, too many people just want a degree and think that because they have a degree they should make big money right out of the gate without needing to work for it.
This has became enough of an issue that we’ve started hiring people without degrees that show good mechanical aptitude and willingness to learn. This has opened up a lot of opportunity for us and people who wouldn’t usually be able to get in. It’s netted very good results thus far.
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I mean, if they came here for a bit I might not even blame them... I’ll admit straight out we’re not the best run company. But to not even show up... the agencies should just dump their asses on the curb.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 08:03 |
Degree=/=skill. It’s gone from something serious and worth paying attention to to a status symbol IMO. Honestly I think you should work in the field you plan to go into for a couple years before trying to get a degree in it, if possible.
Obviously there’s situations where that isn’t a good idea... construction engineering comes to mind...
![]() 06/12/2019 at 08:20 |
It’s not agency staff. They are benefit claimants on whats called Job Seekers Allowance, apply for jobs and be seen to be proactive or lose your benefits for a period or all together . But some people are career benefit claimants.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 08:28 |
Same should apply to them. After a while, they should be required to hold down a job for a mini
mum period or be cast off.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 08:58 |
this is what you get from a generation or two of helicopter parents and now bulldozer parents. the instant these people encounter something that mommy and/or daddy aren’t there to make easy for them, they bail.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 09:06 |
That’s wh ere E.U. laws and rights get involved and U.K. laws and rights get involved and it gets messy.
Sometimes it kicks people out the system that can’t defend themselves because they don’t know the system . W hile those that need kicked out the system know every loop hole.
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aren’t necessarily young/ish
folks though... and not all of them are bad. But we’ve definitely hit 3 in a row. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
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This is what welfare is for IMO. You don’t want to work, get off the program that’s for people who do. If the law makes that messy, it’s the law that’s in the wrong here and it needs to be changed.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 09:40 |
I totally agree.
That’s the thing. They won’t just leave the system because they don’t need it. No matter how the laws or rules change, the ones that know the system win, while others get caught in the flak. The laws both British and European mean you can’t kick someone off the system without the same rules applying to everyone.
You need good evidence to kick someone off. Regretfully it leaves a new door for them to walk into to get new benefits.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 09:48 |
the children of helicopter parents can easily be in their 30s by now, the term was apparently coined in 1990.
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The worst part in the whole degrees and hiring: Many places won’t hire you unless you have a degree, yet some degrees can not be acquired unless you’re working in the field.
I found this to be the case in the automotive field quite often. “So wait, I can’t get hired without a degree, but I can’t get a degree without working in the field” How the F does that even make sense.
The automotive field is another of those places where I put more value on experience and willingness to learn than a degree. I’m sorry, but you learn far more actually working on something than you ever will in the classroom.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 10:16 |
Nah, I only got my first insurance job because the other dude didn't show. Flakes clog the system and give possibly less qualified, but overall better employees a chance
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I spoke to the director of claims for one of the biggest insurers in Canada and he told me that he's had people bring their parents to interviews
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Hence “ish”. But there’s plenty of 40/50-yo people coming from these agencies.
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Or your hiring employees from temp agencies and your boss is abrasive, as Smallbear stated in other comments...
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Counterpoint--you shouldn’t have been second in line to that guy in the first place. You should have been first up and the other dude should’ve been gone.
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Nah. My resume was a grocery store and high school education. I was basically just someone with a pulse after their preferred candidate bailed.
If he had not applied, someone deserving would have gotten the job. God forbid
![]() 06/12/2019 at 10:32 |
For someone qualified to take the job, first someone qualified has to apply.
Also, degree=/=deserving... heck, sometimes experience=/=deserving
![]() 06/12/2019 at 11:57 |
Thing is they’ve had no contact with the abrasive yet. Not an excuse.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 08:43 |
Lazy unmotivated people are a presence in every generation.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 08:43 |
what kind of stuff are you not delivering?
![]() 06/18/2019 at 08:47 |
Move to Japan... People at work are robotic and totally unable to take a decision by themselves, but they’ll be at work early and they’ll leave late, doing exactly what they are told to do to the millimeter... Just don’t ask them to think on their own. Japanese have this “I’m at work” switch, and when it’s “on” they can’t anything else but EXACTLY what they are told. If everything runs flawlessly it’s great. First little problem, it’s not as awesome.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 08:48 |
Engineering co-op programs, and in general co-op programs. Underrated and invaluable.
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materials. Interior finish shit
mostly. Trim, plywood, doors mdf etc.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 08:59 |
I could do with one of those switches myself
![]() 06/18/2019 at 09:36 |
Just go to any youth sports event for the past 30 years to see what would be coming down the pipeline. I don’t see how people are surprised.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 09:37 |
I work in the construction field on the GC side and I have never seen an industry that is so poorl y coordinated. Further, I have never worked in an industry where so few people actually honor their word. “We ordered it last month and it is sitting in our yard” inevitably means that they have not ordered the material yet and the lead time is 4 weeks. It’s a terrible industry and I want out.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 09:58 |
From my POV (I’d be supplying you) the GC’s mostly (a) already need the material yesterday by the time they finally order it or (b) have no idea what they’re doing and so we end up sitting on the material for 4 months.
Also, I have a sales rep who keeps on telling customers their orders are coming on “x” day without either asking or telling me.
It’s a good thing I’m not armed.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 10:03 |
I do large commercial projects (think $50 - $150 million) and we rely heavily on the input of subs who simply can’t seem to be trusted. The level of incompetence is staggering. I hear you on the being armed thing - it’s such a frustrating business.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 10:15 |
Honestly, this isn’t an age related thing.
Plenty of people in their 20s willing to work their asses off, plenty of people in their 40s-50s who want to get paid to do nothing.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 10:20 |
We have had our best luck with the appliance company we contracted with for the project I am currently on. They hire local independent truckers to deliver the material - my guess is that tends to put a fire under the ass of the drivers/owners as they don’t get paid unless the job is completed correctly and on time. Maybe look into small privately owned trucking companies? That would perhaps increase cost on the front end, but could be a cost saver if you reduce/eliminate the come-back work.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 10:35 |
We’ve been looking for a few of those too, actually, without any luck so far... never thought about asking appliance companies though. That could be a good thing to try.
Consider yourself thanked. Hoping it works.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 10:43 |
Hope you get some people in there who can actually get shit done. We hire people from temp agencies all the time for day labor and the range of quality is amazing. You have some guys who can’t manage to push a broom to guys who you would not think twice about hiring on full time.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 11:14 |
Yep. I get a phone call the other day from the mother of one of our employees. Now we do have some hs kids as employees, so I let her rant for a bit thinking it was one of those. Then she says something that wakes me from my stupor - “uh, excuse me, how old is your daughter?” She’s 23! I told the lady to have her daughter call HR about it and then hung the eff up.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 12:08 |
Just go to any youth sports event for the past 30 years to see what would be coming down the pipeline. I don’t see how people are surprised.
I’ve been to a few years worth of pre-k soccer... the helicopter parents there usually want to make their kids work harder, not make it easier for them .
![]() 06/18/2019 at 12:40 |
From what I see in youth hockey, it is:
Yell at coach
Yell at ref
Yell at other kids (both on the same team and opponents)
Yell at your own kid (usually while displaying an alarming lack of knowledge about how the game is played and skills are developed)
Sink immense sums of time and money into an activity that seems to be more about parental ego than the kid having fun and learning some social/life skills
Wonder what went wrong when the kid burns out/develops entitlement issues, lament the kid not going pro or getting that scholarship that the parents could embrace for their investment
And people wonder why there are issues 20 years down the line.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 14:37 |
Now, are those the average parents or the loudest ones? The parents that are supporting their kids while letting the coach do his thing are often the quiet ones.
But those kids with volume and entitlement issues are probably going to end up in management, if my experience i s consistent with the future generations.
![]() 06/18/2019 at 16:25 |
There are many variations on a theme, but overall they seem a lot louder and more micromanagerial than when I was a kid (I was tuned into it then too, as I was mortified that my parents would do something - anything embarrassing when attending something of mine). Lots of hovering and bulldozing these days, and the gruff hockey dad/coaches can be special too . Sometimes I like the idea of youth sports without parents obsessing in the stands - the ones who wouldn’t freak about the idea might have a kid actually playing a game for the benefit of the kid rather than the ego or vicarious living of the parent, or for trying to cash in on some roundabout kind of investment or lottery ticket.
I suspect society is then creating a huge new generation of managers, as it appears to be at least a mild epidemic.